Create beautiful ebooks and movies with ‘Book Creator’

As an educator and a passionate advocate for ipads as a learning tool, I have tried many apps in the search for a child friendly, open-ended, creative app. ‘Book Creator is an app that enables the user to create their own ebook. The best part, like any great app is that it is so intuitive, young kids can use it. Once a user has completed their book, their finished product can be exported to ibooks.

Ibooks bring a little magic to reading with glossy, sharp images, videos and graphics and a range of special features such as accessibility for those with learning impairments, dictionary and the ability to create study cards. However, in the past a short-coming of Book Creator was the inability to export a child’s ebook in a format that was accessible for parents without an ipad. It would export the file as an epub (which isn’t easily accessible), or pdf (which doesn’t have the same impact). It was the only complaint I was hearing from fans.

Now, you can export your ebooks from Book Creator as a movie file. Brilliant! I have gone back to a couple of my favourite ebooks and made the transition and the result is terrific! Oral narration seamlessly glides through the text, while you view the imagery on your pages. Video files automatically play in sequence. The end product looks and sounds fantastic!

‘App smashing’ is the latest trend to hit the digital learning environment. It refers to the combining of two or more apps to create a final product. Book creator is an excellent app for this. Take a look at my student’s work above. She has incorporated her own art using ‘Paper by 53’; narrated and written her story via Book Creator; and added sound effects via ‘Garage Band’. Quite an effective result don’t you think?

So you’re a teacher and you want to create engaging learning materials. You want to flip the classroom, create an exemplar, or develop new literacy product. Book Creator. The movie below shows a non-fiction text I created about erosion and weathering. How do you think it compares to a Powerpoint? I’d love to know your thoughts.

For those unfamiliar with Book Creator, don’t go past this one. For those who are already sold, the new movie feature is a great reason to use it more.

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4 thoughts on “Create beautiful ebooks and movies with ‘Book Creator’

  1. Thanks so much for the clear description of the latest version of Book Creator. We were not using it because of the difficulties with publishing and sharing. This will take me back to become re-acquainted with it.

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